For Asia's Tech Community
BLOCK71 hosts curated innovation, technology and enterpreneurship events & activities in Jakarta and across Asia. From Kopi Chats to developer meetups to workshops to hackathons and networking sessions, take a deep dive into Indonesia and the region.
Keen to organise something to bridge ecosystems in areas of Smart, Sustainable Environments, Future of Food, Health & Wellbeing, Industry 4.0, Web 3.0 or emerging technologies? Reach out for a chat!
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Past events
Menangkan hadiah total Rp. 4,5 Jt bagi kamu perempuan-perempuan muda dengan mengikuti kompetisi Kartini Koding Challenge 2021. Yuk kita rayakan semangat Hari Kartini dengan:
✓ Kompetisi cerdas cermat matematika untuk siswi SMA/SMK
✓ Coding challenge untuk mahasiswi dan female coders
Kompetisi terbatas hanya dari tanggal 21-28 April 2021. Untuk rules dan registrasi bisa check…
Do you want to learn about machine learning but got no idea where to go?
This is your place!
Jakarta Machine Learning in collaboration with AWS brings you a hands-on workshop "Introduction to Machine Learning with Amazon SageMaker".
With Petra Barus, Senior Advocate of AWS, as our speaker, and Ricky Tjoe, Strategic Partnership of Jakarta Machine Learning, as our…
Something special is brewing next month at BLOCK71 Indonesia & Innovation Factory. Tune in tomorrow for more information on our upcoming i360 edutech event.