For Asia's Tech Community
BLOCK71 hosts curated innovation, technology and enterpreneurship events & activities in Jakarta and across Asia. From Kopi Chats to developer meetups to workshops to hackathons and networking sessions, take a deep dive into Indonesia and the region.
Keen to organise something to bridge ecosystems in areas of Smart, Sustainable Environments, Future of Food, Health & Wellbeing, Industry 4.0, Web 3.0 or emerging technologies? Reach out for a chat!
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Past events
Let’s meetup! It’s been a long time!
[Theme] Data Science in Business
- Who is
- Data science position in business
- How EDA & preprocessing are important?
- Machine learning application in business
[Speaker] Rey Steven Octoviano
For more information:
Mail 1:…
We trust that you have heard about Blockchain at least once. But what is Blockchain? Why does everyone on the internet seem to talk about it, and why you should care?
Join our Kopi Chat on "Introduction to Blockchain" and be at the very forefront of this new technology. Through this presentation-style sharing session, you will learn the basics about Blockchain and how this…
Jika Anda bekerja di bidang startup, Anda pasti mengetahui bahwa investasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi berjalannya startup Anda. Bahkan dapat digambarkan bahwa suatu investasi merupakan bahan bakar utama pada startup. Investor akan menggunakan Termsheet untuk mencapai kesepakatan awal dan sebagai syarat utama untuk menyusun dokumen investasi yang nantinya akan disepakati bersama…